Team BARC collaborates with many organizations that are dedicated to helping local rescues. We are proud to be part of their organizations and hope you patronize or support their business and causes as well.
ADOPT-A-PET.COM helps over 17,000 animal shelters, humane societies, SPCAs, pet rescue groups, and pet adoption agencies advertise their homeless pets to millions of adopters a month, for free. They use the power of the Internet to connect adopters with shelter pets and help pets go from alone to adopted. also provide iformative information on the human/companion animal relationship, pet training, as well as entertaining videos, all produced by their staff.
ASPEN STUDIOS and its driving force, Angie, has a love of photography that is obvious in the quality of the work her clients receive. Angie draws upon a love of art as well as photography to produce outstanding results in her photographic imagery you will treasure for a lifetime.

BISSELL PET FOUNDATION's is to help reduce the number of animals in shelters and rescues, and to find a loving home for every pet. With the help of our generous supporters, BPF has awarded millions of dollars to our growing partner network of animal welfare organizations and has impacted the lives of an incalculable number of pets.
SPAY-NEURER SERVICES OF INDIANA (SNSI) receives funding from its specialty plate and provides direct support to nearly 250 rescue groups and shelters across the state. We give rescue groups and shelters FREE spay/neuter surgery certificates so they can alter pets before adopting them into their forever homes. You can support by purchasing a SNSI specialty plate.